Personal Injury Attorneys: Getting What You Deserve

Personal Injury Attorneys: Getting What You Deserve

Information About What Happens After Motorists Hit Motorcyclists

Laurie Flores

While some motorcyclists will sometimes be involved in accidents with other motorcyclists, the majority of motorcycle accidents involve a motorcyclist being struck by a motorist. About half of motorcycle accidents involve two or more vehicles, including the motorcycle itself. There are several reasons why this occurs. Read on to learn more about what happens after a motorist hits a motorcyclist.

Reasons Why Motorists Hit Motorcyclists

Unfortunately, some motorists are less careful around motorcyclists because they know that their vehicles are larger and they are less likely to suffer an accident as a result. Drivers who do not check their blind spots actively enough might not notice a motorcyclist and collide with her accidentally. Because motorcycles are smaller, the motorist might believe that the motorcyclist is farther away than she actually is.

Some drivers are simply reckless and you may have had an accident regardless of the type of vehicle you were operating. However, because you were riding a motorcycle, your injuries ended up being much more severe. Also, as a motorcyclist, you might be more affected by dangerous road conditions. 

Motorcyclist Benefits After an Accident

After you are involved in a motorcycle accident, you may turn to your insurance provider. However, a motorcycle is not technically considered a motor vehicle, surprisingly, and you will not have as many benefits as you would from your auto insurance provider. You are much better off turning to a motorcycle accident lawyer who will go over your options with you.

Make sure to contact a motorcycle accident lawyer specifically. Lawyers who are not experienced handling motorcycle accidents may not know the differences that exist with a motorcycle case and how severe the injuries can be. The attorney will understand how the act of not wearing a helmet can affect your case and will also know about the effects of road rash. 

The Best Route for Seeking Compensation After a Motorcycle Accident

You are best off seeking compensation directly from the other driver's insurance provider. An auto insurance provider will have higher limits and a commercial truck driver will have the highest limits. However, if you believe that someone else contributed to your accident such as the manufacturer of your motorcycle or whoever is responsible for maintaining the roads, you may seek compensation from these parties as well. 

You may be afraid of your case going to trial, but the majority of motorcycle accident cases are settled out of court and you are much more likely to receive a higher settlement with the help of a motorcycle accident attorney.

For more information, reach out to a local motorcycle accident lawyer.


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Personal Injury Attorneys: Getting What You Deserve

The phrase "you get what you deserve" is sometimes taken out of context to mean that you can just sit there, and one day what you deserve will land in your lap. For most people, this is just not true. You have to fight for what you deserve, and if you've been injured due to someone else's negligence, what you deserve is compensation. Luckily, you do not have to fight alone. Hiring a personal injury attorney will go a long way towards ensuring you're awarded the compensation you deserve, either in court or via a settlement. Read more in the articles we've collected here.
